Dear colleagues!
On October 09-11, 2024 in the Republic of Azerbaijan will host
XI Euroasian Congress of Pediatric Specialists

Venue: Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str., Azerbaijan Medical University
Working languages of the Congress: Russian, Azerbaijani, English

Azerbaijan Medical University

Venue of the XI Euroasian Congress of Pediatric Specialists

Researchers of specialized R&D institutions, professors of medical universities, pediatricians and pediatric surgeons, specialists in the field of healthcare organization, doctors of school and preschool educational institutions of the Euroasian countries who have significant results of scientific research on the subject of the Congress are invited to participate in the Congress.

Co-organizers of the Congress
  • Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan
  • Euroasian Federation of Pediatric Doctors
  • Association of Pediatricians of Azerbaijan
  • Azerbaijan Medical University
  • Salymbekov University (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Veltischev Research and Clinical Institute for Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University
  • Republican Scientific and Practical Center “Mother and Child” (Belarus)
  • Association of Pediatric Surgeons of Central Asia
  • Association of Pediatric Surgeons of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Society of Pediatricians of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Association of Neonatologists of the Kyrgyz Republic
  • Association of Obstetricians Gynecologists and Neonatologists of the Republic of Belarus
  • Union of Pediatricians of Kazakhstan
  • Xi'an Children's Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital for the Treatment of Brain Diseases (China)
  • Association of Pediatricians of the Republic of Moldova
  • Russian Association of Pediatric Centers
  • National Association of Dietitians and Nutritionists
  • National Association of Infectious Disease Specialists (Russia)
  • Association of Pediatricians and Pediatric Surgeons of Tajikistan
  • Association of Pediatricians of Uzbekistan
Co-Chairs of the Congress
President of the Euroasian Federation of Pediatric Doctors, MD, Professor (Kyrgyzstan)
Uzakbayev K.A.
Honorary President of the Euroasian Federation of Pediatric Doctors, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russia)
Kaganov B.S.
First Vice-President of the Euroasian Federation of Pediatric Doctors, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor (Russia)
Gorelov A.V.
Director of the SCO Hospital Cooperation Alliance, Professor (China)
Jiao Fuyun
Vice-President of the Euroasian Federation of Pediatric Doctors, Professor (China)
Song Hujie
Rector of Azerbaijan Medical University,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Geray Chingiz oglu Geraybeyli
Members of the Organizing Committee:
  • Tagi-zade T.G. (Azerbaijan)
  • Ulezko E.A. (Belarus)
  • Zhubanysheva K.B. (Kazakhstan)
  • Sulaimanov S.A. (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Revenko N.E. (Moldova)
  • Morozov D.A. (Russia)
  • Safronova A.N. (Russia)
  • Azizov B.J. (Tajikistan)
  • Akhmedova D.I. (Uzbekistan)
Abdusamatov B. Z. (Uzbekistan)
Akramov N. R. (Russia)
Amirova A. (Azerbaijan)
Akhmetshin R. Z. (Russia)
Ashurova D. T. (Uzbekistan)
Baylarov R. (Azerbaijan)
Bezlepkina O. B. (Russia)
Belykh N. A. (Russia)
Hasanov A. (Azerbaijan)
Geppe N. A. (Russia)
Degtyarev Yu. G. (Belarus)
Jafarov V. (Azerbaijan)
Dikanbayeva S. A. (Kazakhstan)
Yerekeshov A. A. (Kazakhstan)
Zaitseva O. V. (Russia)
Zaplatnikov A. L. (Russia)
Isayev I. (Azerbaijan)
Kazimi M. (Azerbaijan)
Mammadbeyli A. (Azerbaijan)
Mammadova F. (Azerbaijan)
Mizernitsky Yu. L. (Russia)

Co-Chairs of the International Organizing Committee:

Kuzenbayeva R. S. (Kazakhstan), Navruzova Sh. I. (Uzbekistan), Peterkova V. A. (Russia) Sychev D. A. (Russia), Tilekeyeva U. M. (Kyrgyzstan)
Mukhamedova Sh. T. (Uzbekistan)
Nasyrova U. F. (Uzbekistan)
Omurbekov T.O. (Kyrgyzstan)
Panakhova N. (Azerbaijan)
Poddubny I. V. (Russia)
Podkamenev A.V. (Russia)
Polukhov R. (Azerbaijan)
Polukhova A. (Azerbaijan)
Pushkin S. Yu. (Russia)
Rakhmatullayev A. A. (Uzbekistan)
Revyakina V. A. (Russia)
Sadulloeva I. K. (Uzbekistan)
Saidbekova F. (Azerbaijan)
Salimov Sh. T. (Uzbekistan)
Sorvacheva T. N. (Russia)
Strokova T. V. (Russia)
Sultanova N. (Azerbaijan)
Usenko D. V. (Russia)
Yrysov K.B. (Kyrgyzstan)
Erdes S. I. (Russia)
Yuldashev I. R. (Uzbekistan)
Scientific topics
  • Current state of the Mother and Child Health Protection Service of the CIS countries
  • Nutrition of a healthy and sick child
  • Issues of minimally invasive, endo-and laparoscopic surgery in children
  • The HIV problem/AIDS in children, prevention of mother-to-child transmission
  • Status of women of reproductive age (reproductive health and rights)
  • Status and problems of antenatal care
  • Emergency obstetric and neonatal care, anesthesiological problems in obstetrics
  • Purulent-septic complications and infection control in obstetric institutions
  • Scientific and practical aspects of the development of preventive medicine in pediatrics
  • Organizational and clinical aspects of providing specialized and high-tech care for children
  • Current issues of forming stable stereotypes of a healthy lifestyle
  • Vaccine prevention in pediatrics
  • Regional features of the state of health and models of medical care for children (highland pediatrics)
  • Problems of resuscitation, intensive care, nursing and comprehensive rehabilitation of children born with low, very low and extremely low body weight
  • Issues of rehabilitation medicine and comprehensive rehabilitation in pediatric practice
  • Ethical and legal issues in pediatrics
  • Clinical Pharmacology and bioethics
  • The role of telemedicine in achieving and maintaining disease control in patients: distance education, remote counseling, teleconferences
  • Planned and urgent abdominal surgery in children
  • Traumatology and Orthopedics
  • Neurosurgery
  • School of Young Scientists
Submission of theses to the Congress
Theses should be sent no later than August 15, 2024
Via the website
Theses are published free of charge

Register in the latest Thesis Submission System and track your thesis review in real time!
Abstract design
You can submit your abstracts through your personal account.

Abstract size – 2400 characters with spaces. If the abstract size exceeds the established standard, you need to reduce the number of characters to the number of characters specified above.

Font – 12 pt. Font type-Times (Times New Roman). Single line spacing. For characters that are not included in the main font, use only the Symbol font.

The first line contains the title of the abstracts, below-the surname and initials of the authors (V. S. Petrov). After the abstract field, indicate the organization, city, country (you can use the official abbreviated name of the organization, for example-VMED named after S. M. Kirov, NWSMU named after I. I. Mechnikov).

Avoid using abbreviations in the title, unless they are widely recognized.

The abstract should not contain drawings, graphs, diagrams, or other visual elements, but only your own data.

You should not include footnotes for the cited works.

Actual data should be presented in absolute figures (10 patients, age 10-45 years, mean age 53.6 years) or as a percentage (15% of patients).

Use commas (0.5 or 25.45, etc.) to indicate digits in decimal numbers.

Write without spaces: "%" (10%), "<", ">" (p>4 or p<2), "±" (7±0,3), (10-20%)

Write the name of the bacterium in Latin font italics with a capital letter (Helicobacter pylori). Write the drug name in lowercase letters in Russian.

Abbreviate the year as 2015, 2010-2015, and give the full names of cities (Saint Petersburg).

The stages of the disease are indicated by Roman numerals (I, II,etc.)
Submission of scientific articles to the Congress
Articles are accepted until August 13, 2024.
Requirements for publishing an article in a special collection dedicated to the XI Euroasian Congress of Pediatric Specialists

Azerbaijan Pediatrics Journal has announced a set of articles and short reports within the framework of the XI Euroasian Congress of Pediatric Specialists. The collection of articles will be published in a separate issue of the journal in electronic form.. You can get familiar with the requirements for the design of articles by following the link. Articles can be submitted until August 13, 2024. You can send your articles by email (please also add a copy


As part of the Congress, an exhibition of manufacturers of medicines and vitamins, medical equipment and equipment, newborn care products and personal hygiene products for pregnant women will be held. Manufacturers of baby food and specialized food for pregnant and nursing mothers, etc. will also be represented.

Application for participation in the scientific program:
Submission deadlines
The application for participation in the scientific program can be submitted until July 31, 2024!
Making an application
Your application must contain information about the speaker, title and abstract of the report!
Sending an application to the organizing committee
Pre-registration of participants
To participate in the Congress, you must undergo electronic registration in English or Azerbaijani and pay a registration fee. The cost of the registration fee depends on the category of your participation:
  • $30 (50 AZN) for interns, graduate students, residents and students;
  • 50 dollars (80 AZN) for doctors, university teachers and researchers;
  • 50 dollars (80 AZN) for foreign participants;
  • 100 dollars (170 AZN) for representatives of commercial organizations
Payment is made in AZN at the exchange rate at the time of payment.
For all questions related to registration and payment, please contact Fidan Mamedova (+994) 50 243 86 71.
  • Hotels
New Baku Hotel 4*
5 min. by car or 10 min. on foot, 750 meters (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)

Address: 9c Hasan Aliyeva Street, Baku

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Madison (Adissonn) Hotel Baku 4*
8 min. by car, 9 min. by public transport or 14 min. on foot, 1.3 km. (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)

Address: 116C Azadlig Ave., Baku

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Modern Hotel Baku 4*
8 min. by car, 12 min. by public transport or 17 min. on foot, 1.5 km. (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)

Address: 188 Mirali Gashgai Street, Baku

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Midtown Hotel Baku 4*
14 min. by car, 16 min. by public transport or 25 min. on foot, 2.6 km. (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)
Address: 103 Samad Vurgun Street, Baku

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Premier Palace Baku 5*
5 min. by car, 9 min. by public transport or 13 min. on foot, 950 meters (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)

Address: Academician Hasan Aliyev str., 7, Baku

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Hyatt Regency Baku 5*
7 min. by car, 14 min. by public transport or 28 min. on foot, 2.3 km. (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)

Address: 6 Izmir Street, Baku

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Grand Hotel Europe 5*
7 min. by car, 17 min. by public transport or 24 min. on foot, 1.8 km. (Distance to Azerbaijan Medical University (Baku, 163A Samad Vurgun str.)

Address: 20 Tbilisi Ave., Baku

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Medical Marketing Agency (Moscow, Russia)
Information for submitting abstracts:
Naumenko Elena
Dronova Eva
Phone: +7-968-916-95-37
E-mail: congressс

For other questions:
Phone: +7(495) 139-80-70

Contacts (Baku, Azerbaijan)

Fidan Mammadova
(+994) 50 243 86 71